Supporting individuals with disabilities and their families

    Find out how

    Understanding NDIS

    The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides unprecedented support to individuals with disabilities and their families.

    Governed and funded jointly by the Australian Federal Government and participating State and Territory governments, the NDIS aims to enhance the lives of those with disabilities via the provision of fit for purpose housing in collaboration with private investors.

      Find out how

      Your Property People’s NDIS Housing Initiative

      At Your Property People, we are dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities. We have partnered with service providers to offer high-quality NDIS housing options.


      Whilst NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) homes often lack official building standards, we ensure that our NDIS homes meet current building standards by constructing them according to Livable Housing Australia (LHA) standards.


      As you will have undoubtedly seen on social media and online, the advertising for NDIS investing has been ferocious and very aggressive. YPP recognises this, and stresses the importance of good process, research, connections and due diligence, to ensure a valuable investment product, and not just amateurs promising high rental yields anywhere and everywhere. 

      Types of Accommodation

      Our NDIS accommodation options include:

      Improved Liveability

      Fully Accessible


      High Physical Support

      Are you looking to begin your NDIS SMSF property investment journey? Get in touch with our team today!
      Disclaimer: Your Property People does not provide financial advice and recommends consulting a licensed Financial Planner for all financial advisory needs.
      The SMSF Process